Friday, October 13, 2017

2017-2018 Fall Semester Syllabus

Ege University, Faculty of Letters
English Language and Literature Department
2017-2018 Fall Semester
Önder Çetin
Wednesday, 14.30 – 17.00 (D.1203)

This course introduces students to the relationship between literature and the physical environment.

The objective of the course is to provide students with skills to understand and interpret the relationship between literature and the physical environment as a fast emerging literary theory, namely ecocriticism. In the face of global environmental crisis, ecology has become one of the most controversial issues disputed throughout many branches of the academic world, including literature. The aim of this course is to introduce prominent American nature writers and their works starting as early as 19th century, which helped to create awareness towards environment and conservation policies.

-It is a regulation of Ege University that students should attend at least 70% of the classes each semester.
-Students are expected to attend each class having read the assigned texts and be prepared for class discussions.
-Cell phones must be turned off/ in silent mode and under the desk during the class hours.
-Latecomers may come in without distracting the attention of their classmates.


Mid-term and Final exams will be written exams in class.

Students’ overall grades will be evaluated as follows:
-       Mid-term %40
-       Final 60%
(Class participation will be taken into consideration while grading your exam papers)

Abbey, Edward. Desert Solitaire. New York: Simon&Schuster, 1968.
Garrard, Greg. Ecocriticism: The New Critical Idiom. Routledge: London, 2004.
Glotfelty, Cheryll and Harold Fromm, eds. Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Athens, GA: U of Georgia Press, 1996.
Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac. London: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Lopez, Barry. Arctic Dreams. London: Picador, 1987.
Thoreau, Henry D. Walden. Ed. J. Lyndon Shanly. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.

Important Notice: The assigned texts for each lesson are subject to change, and it is students’ responsibilty to follow the changes. 

Week 1: 27 September 2017
Introduction and course organization.

Week 2: 4 October 2017
What is ecology? What is ecocriticism?
Read: Glotfelty, Cheryll. “Introduction: Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis.” Glotfelty & Fromm, xv-xxxvii. (in Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology)
+ Glossary of Selected Terms (will be provided)

Week 3: 11 October 2017
Read: Chapter 1 in Ecocriticism: The New Critical Idiom by Greg Garrard
Discussion of short Stories: Read: “Adios Cordera!” (Goodbye Lamb!) by Leopoldo Alas +
“White Heron” Sarah Orne Jewett

Week 4: 18 October 2017
Walden, Henry David Thoreau (Intro.+Economy+Where I lived+Sounds)

Slovic, Scott. “Nature Writing and Environmental Psychology: The Interiority of Outdoor Experience.” (in Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology) 351-370.
Week 5: 25 October 2017
Walden, Henry David Thoreau (Solitude+The Village+The Ponds+Conclusion)

Week 6: 1 November 2017
A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

Week 7: 8 November 2017
A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

Week 8: 15 November 2017
A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold

Week 9: 22 November 2017

Week 10: 29 November 2017
Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

Week 11: 6 December 2017
Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

Week 12: 13 December 2017
Lopez, Barry. Arctic Dreams. (Prologue+Arktikos+Banks Island)

Week 13: 20 December 2017
Lopez, Barry. Arctic Dreams. (Ice and Light+The Country of the Mind+Epilogue)

Week 14: 29 December 2017


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